Hi, I am

Nina Delvaux

A Junior Front-End Developer & Language Expert based in Antwerp, Belgium

About me

Recently finished SheCodes Front-End workshops!
Take a look at my best projects so far.

My React Dictionary App

This project was built with React & Bootstrap, utilizing two different API's.
Not sure what the meaning is of a certain word? Look it up and be surprised of the response!

My Travel to Bruges App

This project was built with HTML, CSS & Bootstrap, utilizing embedded elements.
Find out more about Bruges and maybe you've found your next travel destination!

My fancy World Clock App

This project was built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript utilizing the libraries moment.js and moment-timezone.
Select a city or your own location and get the local time and date!

My selfmade Weather Forecast App

This project was built with HTML, CSS & JavaScript, utilizing Axios for calling information from an integrated SheCodes API.
Enter a city to get a real-time weather forecast including not only temperature minima and maxima but also humidity, windspeed, etc.

Another AI Quote Generator App

This project was built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, utilizing Axios for API calls and the Typewriter effect for a dynamic response provided by SheCodes AI.
Enter a subject and get a beautiful quote in return!